9 Important Luke Skywalker Questions We Have Going Into Star Wars: Episode Ix 9 Important Luke Skywalker Questions We Have Going Into Star Wars: Episode Ix (watch movie online iflix,best worst movie documentary watch online,watch annabelle comes home depot,ich will dich movie watch online free,)


Late last week, the cast for the terribly anticipated Star Wars: Episode IX was announced. among the names returning for the conclusion to the sequel trilogy, and the Skywalker Saga as a whole, was Mark Hamill. This means that Luke Skywalker himself will be returning to stop the journey that he began in 1977's Star Wars: A new Hope. Although fans have been convinced for some get older that Mark Hamill would be encourage for J.J. Abrams' film, the fact that it was officially announced was particularly notable. This means that Luke Skywalker's presence in the film is not a unsigned and not portion of some J.J. Abrams mystery box.

So although Mark Hamill's reward was expected, it is nevertheless intriguing following where we last maxim Luke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In an incredible display of power, force projecting himself across the galaxy, Luke Skywalker became a parable for wish and the spark to reignite the rebellion. He then disappeared, dying and becoming one following the force following Obi-Wan since him. We admit that Luke will be a Force ghost in the movie, but over that, we enter Star Wars: Episode IX following probably as much curiosity virtually Luke Skywalker's role as we did heading in to Episode VIII.

We no longer have to ask if Luke Skywalker will be in the movie, but following the news of Mark Hamill's return, there are a lot of important questions virtually what the dead Jedi Master will be stirring to in Star Wars: Episode IX. Here are a few of them.

Will We get More Flashbacks?Star Wars: The Last Jedi gave us a CliffsNotes, Rashomon-esque set of flashbacks that elucidated what happened between Luke and his nephew, Ben Solo (Adam Driver), but there is nevertheless a lot we don't know. There are decades of get older between reward of the Jedi and the stop of The Force Awakens and we and no-one else know the broadest of strokes virtually what went upon following Luke during that time. Flashbacks can offer texture and shading to the Luke we met in The Last Jedi that some fans didn't recognize. Flashbacks could after that illuminate how he knew virtually Snoke, his new students, what new adventures he had, if he ever met a woman and any number of questions we nevertheless have. Including flashbacks would after that offer Mark Hamill more to get new than inborn a Force ghost scholarly following we every imagine he will be.

Will He Have unorthodox Scene following Leia?The announcement that Carrie Fisher's Princess/General Leia Organa will appear in Star Wars: Episode IX was a huge help for fans of the franchise. Coupled following Mark Hamill's return, this raises the possibility of seeing two of the original three leads together again. We maxim Leia and Luke tell send-off in The Last Jedi, but I have to wonder if the reward of Mark Hamill and the raptness of unused Carrie Fisher footage from The Force Awakens means that there is some showing off Leia could have unorthodox scene following Luke. Technically this would probably be difficult, but seeing Force ghost Luke communing following Leia or giving her guidance would be a good showing off to reunite the two siblings and offer a kind bit of interruption to this saga. It's essentially just a issue of if this is even realistic unlimited the footage they have.

What Will Luke get As A Force Ghost?Assuming that Luke Skywalker returns in Episode IX as a Force ghost, the ask becomes what will he do. I think the obvious respond would be that he would encourage Rey (Daisy Ridley) and the Resistance by potentially forming a new Jedi Order. Luke could teach Rey the showing off Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him. He never delivered his third lesson in The Last Jedi since Rey left Ahch-To, fittingly there's nevertheless that. He could after that encourage her comprehend the Jedi texts she took and teach her to construct a new lightsaber. Rey gave him explanation to wish again, and a dead -- but newly optimistic -- Luke would be a good scholarly to the minor Jedi. Whether he will just be a scholarly is unorthodox question. We maxim Yoda display Force ghost powers we didn't know existed by calling the length of lightning, fittingly it's realistic Luke may be more than just a teacher.

How huge of A Role Will He Play?This ties in to a lot of the new questions in that I am just interested how huge of a portion Luke Skywalker will have in Episode IX. Personally I established him to have a more sprightly role going in to The Last Jedi and I'm interested how much he will be pretense this get older around. Will he just be all but for a few Force ghost lessons following limited screentime? That seems a little too predictable, and likely would disappoint fans of the character. Giving the hero more to get and more screentime in his unlimited chapter seems following a possibility. I think we every desire more than a Yoda-sized cameo from Luke, especially following that this is the stop of the Skywalker saga. I think the focus will nevertheless be upon Rey, but Luke will probably pretense a pivotal role in the film, even if he's not onscreen for most of it.

Will He Interact following new Force Ghosts?I expect Star Wars: Episode IX to be a bit devotee service-y and the usage of Force ghosts opens stirring a ton of possibilities to that end. We got to see Yoda following again as a Force ghost in The Last Jedi and he is rumored to return. nevertheless he is just one of the good dead Jedi masters out there. I don't quite think we'll see a Jedi temple following Force Ghosts every teaching classes, but some associations between Yoda and Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi would be great. I after that wouldn't be surprised if, to bring all home reward of the Jedi style, the stop of the film has Force Ghosts Luke, Yoda, Anakin, Obi-Wan and even Qui-Gon Jinn every hanging out and celebrating that tally has finally been achieved.

Will Luke anxiety Kylo Ren, Or attempt To save Him?At the stop of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, in essentially badass fashion, Luke Skywalker concludes his Force projection battle following his nephew by maxim "See you all but kid" and then disappearing. If we admit that literally, we can presume that Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren will fuming paths again. Luke told Leia that he couldn't save Ben, fittingly most likely as a Force ghost, he will haunt Kylo Ren and throw off the focus of his already changeable nephew. Even attempting to redeem Ben Solo by reminding him of the blithe will be torturous to the new unlimited Leader. We've seen certainly little of their effective over the third dogfight of The Last Jedi but the fracture in this attachment is the catalyst for the entire arc of the sequel trilogy fittingly I would expect that to continue in some form in Episode IX.

How Does Luke View The Jedi Now?One of the huge criticisms of Star Wars: The Last Jedi was that Luke Skywalker was no longer the hopeful force for fine that many maxim him as in the original trilogy. Jaded, cynical and world weary, Luke had drifting his faith and no longer had all to admit in. He viewed the Jedi as a terribly flawed institution following a legacy of failure. Yet, at the stop of the film, he seemingly believes following again, assuring Kylo Ren that he will not be the last Jedi. fittingly did Rey just encourage him get that he was wrong and now he's every for restoring the Jedi Order? Or is his view of the Jedi more nuanced? He may get the infatuation for the Jedi though nevertheless wanting it to tweak fittingly as to prevent far along Force imbalances and the regularity following which blithe side users go dark.

What Is His Goal?When Luke fades away at the stop of the film, Rey mentions to Leia that he had "peace and purpose." Luke's raptness in this upcoming film means that he will have a role to pretense and presumably a goal. As a Force ghost he may have gained even greater knowledge virtually the Force and the universe. The ask is what is his set sights on now? straightforwardly desiring to encourage his contacts and family win isn't huge enough. Stopping the First Order doesn't set sights on all if there isn't new fundamental change. The Empire gave showing off to the First Order, and the First Order will offer showing off to something else. Luke's set sights on should be augmented than defeating a totalitarian regime. If he is indeed nevertheless the agreed one, perhaps after death he can find a showing off to essentially and finally bring eternal tally to the Force.

Is He essentially And for ever and a day Dead?Okay, this one is firmly planted in wild speculation territory. I don't think anyone essentially expects J.J. Abrams to undo Luke Skywalker's death in Episode IX, but it is nevertheless worth asking. It's not likely and it would have to be curtains following good care and explanation, but it is doable. Luke Skywalker displayed a level of gift we have never seen before. fittingly most likely he isn't essentially gone. Rey felt his liveliness go away, but most likely he just ascended to a gift level that cannot be felt (Super Saiyan God!). That's the beauty of the Force, it's basically magic, and his leftover could just be unorthodox Force power. We've after that seen that Force ghosts can now disturb the home of the living, fittingly is it essentially that far afield of a step to tell that he could come back?